
Click here to see operators for terms and connectors searching.

Search Connectors

Note:  A space between words is searched as “AND.”


Both (or all) the words appear in the document

Example: Treasury AND anti-inversion AND guidance [AND must be uppercase]


Search for alternate terms

Example: law OR legislation [OR must be uppercase]

“ ”

Exact phrase

Example: "disguised sales"

Example: "profit and loss"


Wildcard / Root expander

Example: Culberts*n will retrieve Culbertson, Culbertsen, etc.

Example: audit* will retrieve all words beginning with "audit," including audits, auditor, and auditing

NOT or –

Example: legislative NOT history

Example: legislative –history [NOT must be uppercase]


Use fuzzy match to retrieve words with similar spelling

Example: Shepherd~ will retrieve Sheppard


Proximity – within n words

Example: "Ireland inversion"~5 retrieves documents where Ireland is within 5 words of inversion

( )

Group terms together to build searches

Example: (Swiss OR Switzerland) AND bank* AND (record or account)

Code section searches:

In the search box, type codesections: followed by a code section

Example: codesections:2642

Retrieving Documents with a Tax Analysts’ Citation:

Put the citation within quotes:

"2014 TNT 66-1" "143 Tax Notes 7" "Tax Notes, Apr. 7, 2014, p. 7"

Field Restricted Searching:

To retrieve documents with terms appearing in a given field, enter the field followed by a colon and then your term or phrase (phrases should be in quotes).

To search for more than one term in a given field, precede each term with the field name followed by a colon.

Example: casename:Wynne

Example: judges:Halpern

Example: searchtitle:”economic substance”

Example: searchtitle:partnerships searchtitle:audit*

Available fields include:

  • authors
  • codesections
  • electroniccite
  • judges
  • subjectareas
  • casecites
  • documentnumber
  • headline
  • jurisdictions
  • searchtitle
  • casename
  • documenttype
  • irscitations
  • magazinecite

Fields can be used together:

authors:Sheppard AND codesections:7874 AND headline:inversion*

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Joseph Thorndike

Joseph J. Thorndike, director of the Tax History Project at Tax Analysts, is a nationally recognized tax historian. He is a regular columnist for Tax Analysts’ publications, including Tax Notes magazine, and a writer for the Tax Analysts blog. Thorndike also has written for a number of national publications and academic journals. A prolific author on the history of American taxation, Thorndike’s latest book is Their Fair Share: Taxing the Rich in the Age of FDR, published by the Urban Institute Press. Thorndike serves as a visiting scholar in history at the University of Virginia and teaches tax policy at the Northwestern University School of Law. He holds a BA from Williams College and an MA and PhD from the University of Virginia.

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